The AVIA LUX training center is located in the Sharjah Airport International Free (SAIF) Zone in Sharjah, UAE. Our facilities include five classrooms capable of accommodating up to 35 students and are equipped with functional stands, components mock-ups, a comprehensive technical library, two flight simulators, a cockpit procedural training device, and an avionics workshop.
The training center classrooms are equipped with computers containing special courseware that covers all subjects of study, including the specifications and description of all helicopter systems and main aggregates. A key to AVIA LUX’s successful training packages is the utilization of its Computer Based Training (CBT) program that is specifically designed to give our students an opportunity to review lectures and training materials at their own pace - after hours and at home. This technique allows AVIA LUX students to perform self-examinations, which greatly facilitates the proper absorption of all training subjects. AVIA LUX’s CBT program includes diagrams, graphics, equipment pictures, and lecture materials for better insight into helicopter systems.
The training center classrooms are equipped with computers containing special courseware that covers all subjects of study, including the specifications and description of all helicopter systems and main aggregates. A key to AVIA LUX’s successful training packages is the utilization of its Computer Based Training (CBT) program that is specifically designed to give our students an opportunity to review lectures and training materials at their own pace - after hours and at home. This technique allows AVIA LUX students to perform self-examinations, which greatly facilitates the proper absorption of all training subjects. AVIA LUX’s CBT program includes diagrams, graphics, equipment pictures, and lecture materials for better insight into helicopter systems.
During theoretical and practical training courses AVIA LUX uses a variety of visual training aids such as system diagrams, bench-made components, cutaways, helicopter systems posters, and functional stands for the demonstrative study of the following systems:
Various helicopter equipment and aggregate mock-ups – made from genuine helicopter parts – are on display in AVIA LUX classrooms, providing our students with the unique opportunity to study and become familiarized with helicopter components, their dimensions, composition, functionality, and design in real time:
AVIA LUX’s avionics workshop has approximately 30 mock-ups of smaller avionics and radio equipment items which further contributes to a truly comprehensive experience.
Practical training for maintenance personnel is done both in the classroom and through unrivaled participatory training at AVIA LUX’s affiliated OEM-certified Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul facility located nearby. This MRO facility avails full access to all maintenance workshops and provides the opportunity to train on a grounded operational helicopter, facilitating a real-world maintenance experience.
Actual helicopter flight training for pilots is offered in either UAE or at the Customer’s site. A team of flight instructors can be deployed at short notice to any desired location for flight training on the Customer’s helicopters, which significantly minimizes flight hour cost to the Customer and provides students with a more comfortable domestic environment for flight operations.
Flight Simulators
AVIA LUX provides a full-range of simulator-based training packages for aircrews using customized simulation devices that are built from actual cockpits of Mi-8MTV-1 and Mi-171 aircraft.
AVIA LUX’s simulation devices are FTD3/FNPT III MCC level, fixed based simulators with TV3-117 engines specially-purposed for practical training on standard helicopter flight operations (VFR), instrument training (IFR), formation/multi-ship flight, precision and non-precision approaches, unimproved landing surfaces, and offshore helipad landing. The simulators are equipped with common instrumentation and navigation equipment such as the Garmin GNS 430W, УВД KT70TSO, RDR-2000, UI-5035P244, KDI-572, and legacy helicopter equipment.
Different flight scenarios realistically simulate flights in various geographical areas, all weather conditions, and with simulated emergency procedures in order to reconstruct real-life environmental training in which the students will be flying. Furthermore, AVIA LUX’s Mi-171 simulator is NVIS compatible (certified by the OEM) and capable of providing training with night vision goggles.
Cockpit Procedural Trainer
AVIA LUX’s Cockpit Procedural Trainer (CPT) is used as a supplementary training device for cockpit familiarization and procedural training. It is an effective tool to train pre-flight procedures, study the cockpit layout, component switches location, train normal and emergency procedures and demonstrate systems operations.